Thursday, August 24, 2006

Would you like some cheese with that... Mac?

I got a shirt in the mail today that made me feel pretty good. Because it was 3x... and too big! I know, by normal standards that IS huge, but awhile ago it WAS my size. Okay, so it depends on the style... brand... etc. But STILL.

And so...

4. Your current "widely accepted" clothing size (as in by regular retail standards): 22/24 on top (occasionally, even 2o, and sometimes 26) 24/26 on bottom. Because, well, I have the general physique of a Chicken Run chicken... or a pear...
So, I didn't eat well today. I blame the water aerobics. When I was little my sister and I would swim all day in St. George till we were too hungry to stand it and would drag our dripping selves home. We then would make mac and cheese and watch cartoons. And so, after my first day back of classes, I really needed to swim. I was hurting from the stairs, really tired and was anxious to get in the water.

So I went to my new pool (love it there) and swam and swam and swam, a bit too long and my sugar level dropped really low. And stupidly I had nothing with me and then I had an unconrollable craving for Macaroni. I went to the store for milk to make it, but ended up with a rather big package of microwave type from Stoffers or something because, well, I wanted it right then. LOTS of fat, LOTS of Carbs, and actually not very good tasting.

Dang it, if I am going to cheat it better at least TASTE worth it!


steph k said...

hehe... dang. I haven't had mac and cheese in forever... I WANT SOME! I like that kind they serve on buffets... I know, I'm digusting.

stewbert said...

I like kraft mac and cheese ... don't like the rest. yup. i'm sick, too. actually, i like it if I make it from scratch but that *never* happens anymore.

kip, you crack me up. chicken run chicken? hahahaha.