Saturday, May 03, 2008

I need some feedback.

DH and I had a discussion last night about surgery. We got the monthly newsletter for Tricare yesterday.

They've changed the eligibility for Lap-Band procedures. I may qualify to have it completely covered.

Now, I never thought I would ever even consider anything that drastic. But I also never thought that I would ever weight THIS much.

Losing 50% of my body weight just seems like an impossible task. I don't know if I can really do it on my own.

DH said that I should go ahead and make an appointment with my doctor and get some information. If I am eligible for the insurance to cover it, we'll talk about it again.

I know that there are complications and side effects with every procedure, but I don't know. How far is too far?


stewbert said...

I never thought I'd consider it either, but my weight is pretty overwhelming these days. I *know* I'm pregnant ... but I've never been this big either.

Then again, I did just have lunch with a good friend of mine. She has gastric bypass done a few years ago, lost a TON of weight, and has gained back nearly 100 pounds with two pregnancies, and did not lose the weight between, and has to go back on a low/no carb diet after this baby is born, which is similar to the south beach diet, and if she'd done that before her surgery, she may have lost the weight anyway.

A lap band is less drastic than a bypass, but it's still a lot to think about.

Laurie said...

I don't know very much about it, but do they have to remove it if you become pregnant? I think that would be the deciding factor for myself... whether or not it would suck to have to have a little surgery after conception. ;) I'm a wuss...

At the same time, I DON'T think it's dishonorable to want one done... you've got a lot to live for!

Katz said...

It says they can make adjustments to it. It even has a section in the FAQs about being pregnant. Apparently they can make it so that your stomach can hold more so that you can eat more during your pregnancy.

I requested the packet from the Lap-Band website and I'm gonna talk to my doctor about it.

I guess we'll see.

steph k said...

I have to say that I'm all for it. I've thought about it before, but since I have no insurance, it's kind of not possible for me right now. But I think that it's a GREAT tool to help people become healthier, along with changing habits and learning how we use food (emotionally, etc) so that it remains a positive thing.

Bobbie said...

I have been thinking about having it done more and more now days. Let me know if you do decide to try it.

steph k said...

so this is after the point now maybe.. but I saw my cousin on Sunday who had lap-band surgery.... apparently she HAD lost a bunch of weight, but seeing her, it looked like she had gained it all back... I think that just emphasizes that we have to change our minds if we want to permanently change our waistlines.

ADDollhouse said...

I have thought about this myself, too. However, with my ineffective healing and other issues they would NOT say yes, NO WAY.