Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Update to a whole lotta stuff

I had my doctor's appointment today. He got me a nutritional consult and ordered a set of obesity panel labs. Fun times! He did ask me what I was doing now to lose the weight. I told him that I was counting my calories using sparkpeople.com and that I was trying to exercise more. He told me to just keep doing what I'm doing and maybe the nutritionist can help me out a little bit.

He also said that although my BMI does make me eligible for the lap-band procedure, he doesn't think I'm a good candidate for it. He actually brought it up. I didn't have to mention it. He said that my weight is still proportionate to my body structure. So basically, because I'm tall... I just look like a big, fat, tall person. The doctor said that it's not like I have a small frame and big wheelbarrow belly. I almost didn't make sense, but at the same time, I think I understood what he was saying.

So when I came home from my appointment, I weighed myself on my home scale. I'll be weighing in on Tuesdays for my 60 lbs by November challenge. Guess what...

I've totally lost 4.5 lbs in a week.


steph k said...

WOO!! Go you!

stewbert said...

yay on the 4.5 pounds! Wooo!

ShaBANG said...

Nice Job!