Tuesday, December 16, 2008

5K Training...

So my family is planning some big hurrah this summer for my Parent's 40th Wedding Anniversary. It looks like it's going to work best for everyone to be here over July 4th weekend. What they are also suggesting is for everyone to be involved in the Freedom 5K or whatever that goes on that weekend.

Now, I'm a terrible runner. I enjoy running around and playing night games but I'm not very good. I just...have no point of reference for anything.

I'm wondering if there is anyone who knows of a good training program that I could start (soon) that could help me get to a point where I could safely run the 5K with my siblings. Overall, I think this would be a great way for me to lose the poundage I have that can't seem to shake all in time for summer as well as just getting me in shape. I AM using the bicycle trainer too, but that's harder to keep at without a real goal in mind.

Any suggestions?


Katz said...

A couple Navy wives that I know are using the couch to 5k program.


steph k said...

Couch to 5k!! I have the podrunner podcasts too... I'll have to get you that info...