I broke down and talked to the Boy about it... he's good with planning and since he's trying to get healthier too (diabetes and getting old), I thought I might as well. He's always been good about riding my butt.
So the goals have been set:
- No more Monsters! Any time I buy and drink one, I owe him another $2 (I've only had to pay him once).
- Weights on MWF (got this down!) - It only takes me like 15 minutes and I love it right when I get up, in my room... nothing fancy.
- Walking/Aerobic Exercise on TThS (umm..... still need to do this).
- In bed by 10 (This did NOT work - I changed to between 11 and 12)
- Up by 6 (This did not work either! I couldn't get up as long as I was going to bed at 10... I'd wake up and be exhausted.... BUT I could go to bed between 11 and 12 and get up at 6:30 feeling alert and awake and chipper... so I adjuest for me).
- Eating better - more veggies, lean protein, etc (I bought brussel sprouts to try... but I made brownies and cookies for Mike... and ate what was left... plus I'm broke. New idea to eat healthy while broke?! I think I need a garden. - pot pies and peas are ok though... and cheap...)
smirk. "riding my butt."
Good for you! I'm making plans too. *shifty look*
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