Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back on the wagon

Ugh. I'm so on-again, off-again with this weight loss thing. I'm starting to piss myself off.

I've been going to the gym every week since I signed up, but I haven't been doing the program that they set up for me. Because I didn't feel like it. My back and shoulder were hurting so bad, I could barely walk ONE mile on the treadmill. And weight training? Forget it. Wasn't gonna happen.

I've been going to the chiropractor for two weeks now and just as I suspected... I'm totally messed up. No kidding. I'm going three time a week for adjustments, but now that I'm not in constant pain, I'm finally pushing myself at the gym.

On Tuesday morning, I did my warm up on the treadmill, then my weights. I'm supposed to get back on the treadmill for another mile and a half, but only did another half mile.


Wednesday, I did one mile on the treadmill and then sat in the car and read a book until Garrett was out of therapy.

See, I told you. Lazy.

Today, NO MORE LAZY. I did my ten minute warm up on the treadmill, went through my weight training circuit and then got back on the treadmill until it was time to leave. Even after picking up Garrett, I still felt like I needed to do more. I drove up to the other gym location by our house and did another mile on the treadmill.

I'm also trying to track my calories again.

I am at 298 pounds. I cannot afford to be lazy.


steph k said...

Good for you! I've been lazy about mine too... but I've been gaining even when I'm working SO hard and watching EVERYTHING I eat! It makes it hard to stick to it.

I'm glad you've re-dedicated yourself!

What are you using to track your calories? Are you just writing it all down? I suck at the writing downness.

Katz said...

i bought a little book at target to write down what i eat and then i transfer that to spark people (when i remember).