Saturday, July 10, 2010


No bueno.

I don't think that staying off the scale this week helped me. I think it made me lose focus.

My bingefest started on Thursday afternoon. I went to the movies and shared some popcorn with a friend, ate a whole box of Junior Mints, then came home and ate more than half of a frozen pizza. I was so busy yesterday that I didn't make it to the gym. I tried to make good choices, even went out to lunch and got soup and salad at Chili's. But I ate way too many chips. Then I came home and was bored while the boys napped, so I started grazing.

I feel like crap this morning.


steph k said...

I ate Pizza Hut last night... and some Zingers. I know how you're feeling! It's so hard! I'm a little easier on myself on weekends too... and I don't dare go near the scale right now... I'm regrouping on Monday.. sigh!

Sorry you feel like crap! Would a quick walk help at all?

stewbert said...

I need to regroup too. Hate the crap feeling after a binge. *sigh*