Monday, July 05, 2010

It's ON!

I've been so distracted since my hubby left that my weight loss journey has been on again, off again.

It's ON!

I recommitted myself two weeks ago and have been kicking my own butt. The owners at my gym wrote up a new weight circuit for me since the old one was from February (and obviously not working anymore). The first few days, I thought for sure they were trying to kill me. I honestly could not walk normally for almost 5 days. I've only missed one cardio day and I made it up on the next one. I'm down 4 lbs and feeling great.

This morning, I met up with one of the owners while I was working out. He asked me how it was going and I told him all about it. He said that I should stay away from the scale for a little while, because I'll only get frustrated. He also might want to change up my routine already, just to keep my body guessing. We'll see!

I've completely changed the way that I eat. I'm only allowing myself to eat fast food once a week, but have changed the way that I order. I only drink soda once a week and I've switched to diet.

I'm using dailyburn to track everything now. But I feel like my calorie allowance is too high. It has me eating around 2300 a day, where my dietitian a few months ago had me at 1800.

I have about 6 weeks until my hubby comes home, so I've got to get my booty in gear.

1 comment:

steph k said...

on their calorie tracker - I would stick to what the dietician has you sticking to so you lose the weight. I ignore that it adds those 500 calories on to my intake allowance when I burn them. I want them gone!

You are doing awesome! I am trying to re-motivate my self after a week of stress and worry... I fell off track. Oye! Seeing your progress makes me happy and more motivated! Good job!