Weight Today (or the last time you weighed): 230.5 lbs. (Yes, more then back then. Aren't Cortizone Shots GRAND? Grrrr...)
"WHAT I WANT: To be healthy. Not counting on THIN, just healthier. Ideally, 150 lbs. even though BMI says 130. The ability to breath normal when I run upstairs for the phone. To feel better about myself and lessen dose of Antidepressant. To control my diabetes without, or with significantly less, medications. To wear a cute shirt from a web comic and not pay 2 bucks extra for a bigger size, just to have it too snug after all. To sleep from around midnight till 7, rather than from 5 am till 3 pm. To not cringe when I see a picture of myself." <--- That's all still true. However, some of the plan of attack has [changed]....
Diet: Diabtetic diet as set up by my [New] dietition in regards to Carbs as that sort of has to be my MAIN focus, but with Weight Watchers knowledge helping with the fat and calorie stuff. [Also I have recently joined the Weight "Wellness" class in connection with my doctor held across from the hospital in the same Wellness center as I like to swimm. Therefore making myself BE ACOUNTABLE because I think having to turn IN food logs is really hard for me, and therefore, very beneficial.]
Exercise: Water Aerobics, NuStep, and Stretching and Weights all at same place(4+ days/week at Wellness Center), Water Aerobics, Malipulation, and Strengthening (2 days/week at Sauce Pot with Physical Therapist (Talk-Walking(4 days/week in neighborhood) will be when it's warm again.)
Prayer: Because I think that even with all that it will still take some severe form of Divine intervetion to actually become even half-way healthy. Philipians 4:13, right?
it's really sad that I would love to be 230....
It's really sad that I've gained 15 pounds since August ... *sigh* Not like I got married or had open-heart surgery or anything.
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