Monday, October 27, 2008

Biking Anyone?

So I really don't have the money to be spending on other stuff (I'm going on a super-duper trip), but I've found something that I believe will be a good investment for me and my health.
It's a fluid bike trainer. I think this would be great because I do like to bike but sometimes the drain of the day makes it so I'm less inclined to want to go back up the hill to my house. And this is something I could do all year long, regardless of weather. AND I use my own bike so I keep working on something I'm used to.

They aren't cheap (though not as expensive as I initially thought) topping out around $400 for a really nice one. This one here is $319 on Amazon. I probably wouldn't bother having something shipped, just so I don't have to worry about that, so I need to go to Mad Dogs or Taylor's or something and see what they have. Supposedly the fluid trainers have greater durability and less noise. I'm all for durability and less noise, particularly since I think I'd watch a lot of TV or movies or whatever while 'biking.'

I'm just not sure I should buy it right now.


steph k said...

I think that's why I want a treadmill... sometimes you don't go because you won't have the energy to get BACK. MY dad had something like this I think... actually, I wonder if he STILL has it.... let me check for you... then maybe you can try before you buy.

Anonymous said...

That would be freaking awesome!