So I try to keep meals at about 50 Carbs or less.... which you can do and STILL not eat healthy (like eating a jr. bacon cheeseburger)... so I'm trying to be more aware of my calories too.... like I almost bought an ice cream sandwich the other night that was 640 calories!! I still bought a differet one.... 240 calories... But oh my goodness!
Eating awhole Little Caesar's pizza (guilty)? - about 920 calories... a bag of crazy bread.... 800.
So that's fine if you're REALLLLLLLY careful the rest of the day - and it's still not good for you. I didn't even think much about this until watching Biggest Loser last week and one lady ate about 2100 calories in ONE SITTING.... pizza, cupcakes, donuts, tacos, everything.
Anyway, usually I eat a pot pie (if I'm in a hurry) or eggs for breakfast.... 2 eggs and 4 slices canedian bacon (the serving size), to be exact. And milk. On the carb side, the meat doesn't count. I don't know if the eggs do either.
Anyway, I decided I should stop stuffing my face so much in the name of saving money AND trimming my waistline. Plus, cupcake and I are running low on milk this week (I should start taking calcium again).
So this was my breakfast today: 1 egg (70 Cal), 3 slices canedian bacon (apx 30 Cal), 1 cup Steven's hot cocoa (160 Cal, 29 Carb).
Dude.. that was tasty and my breakfast was totally under 300 Calories and within the carb limit. I could add a banana or an orange (mmmm) and make it even better for about 300 Calories.
I think we have a winner. Yay me!
Also - still working out MWF.... looking at interesting cardio options for the other day - since I refuse to go out in 8 inches of snow.
Oh... and I STILL had better shove a 1/2 piece of gum in my mouth so I don't snack....
Yum. except for the hot chocolate ... i have issues. *sigh*
So are you saying you need to cut milk from your diet? I know there are different studies on how it affects diets and whatnot...what I've noticed with myself is that when I have milk for at least two meals a day, I actually lost more weight. Perhaps it's part of having breakfast (I generally don't have milk for lunch) but I think it has more to do with me having the milk. *shrugs*
I think that steph means that she needs to stop making things like BROWNIES and cake. . .and when she does I usually accompany them with milk. Also just having cereal and milk isn't the best either.
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