Thursday, October 21, 2010

visiting my therapist

I've discovered that when I work out AT LEAST 20 minutes... vigorously... I am a lot less emotional. When I go 3+ days without working out, I start to acting like I'm permanently PMSing. This week I found out I'm losing my job. I'm also moving on Saturday and have no help yet. I've worked out every night this week. I've MADE it a priority. Even if I feel like I'm going to need to eat a bunch of ice cream later to deal.

But then when it comes down to it, I feel pretty good about my life and I don't really want the ice cream.

I challenge all of you – all of us – to work up a good sweat for at least 20 minutes at least 5 times a week. Heck, even 4. Just do it! I promise you'll start to feel better emotionally. That may be a bigger pay off than weightloss or fitting into skinny jeans.


Anonymous said...

Here here! Since I've had to walk just about everywhere now, I am typically in better moods than before. And I'm pretty sure I've lost weight too! :D

Joy said...

I feel the same way. I enjoy exercising and I try to do something 5 or 6 days a week, I try to encourage dh to go with me for his health and diabetes and high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. I noticed that when he exercised he had less moodiness. And also all of these health issue were reduced. Cheaper than dr. visits and more enjoyable.

Jazzed-ica said...

you are so right!
I have been struggling with myself over exercise because evertime i think about it my motivation is losing weight, mainly. Yeah, being healthy for the future, but alos losing weight.
i finally have decided that i need to do it for my stress/emotion stability...and *snap* i am notivitaed, and feeling the rewards!


R* said...

i agree 100%.