Tuesday, November 27, 2007

kicking the soda habit...

that's "pop" for you utah folks. lol. how do i go about doing this? i don't drink it ALL the time, but if there's dr. pepper in the house, it's pretty much gone. if we go out to eat, i order a pepsi. when i go grocery shopping, i pick up a 20 ounce dr. pepper. i really need to stop.

got any brilliant ideas, ladies?


ADDollhouse said...

I have heard glowing reports about the weight loss magic wrought on those who stop pop. Granted, most of those are boys and I swear boys can lose weight by blinking but STILL, good for you.

I would suggest replacement rather than abstinence. Become one of those Always-Carry-My-Own-Bottle of water or Crystal Light in my purse types.

stewbert said...

I have the same struggle, and DH hasn't been helping much at all lately. He wanted Pepsi around the time of my period, so he bought TEN 2-L bottles (they were on sale), because he knows I drink Pepsi like water around that time. *sigh*

Ultimately, we have to make the choice though. Keep water in your fridge and drink that. Buy bottled water if you hate your tap water, or get a brita filter or something. We have a brita pitcher -- love it. Kiddo drinks more water, too, when it is in the fridge.

steph k said...

If you can, switch to diet at least... but yeah... why do you drink it? because it's there? do you hate water? If you have a hard time drinking water (sometimes I do), I agree with Kip about the Crystal Light idea, etc. If it's just because you're use to it.... wean yourself off slowly... switch to the diet for a bit (even though it tastes yucky at first)... maybe take the money you would spend on it and stash it away - even though it's not change... create a separate account? You didn't spend the $2.75 at the restaurant, transfer it to the account. Didn't buy the 20 oz soda... add that to the pot...

Not that that helps you lose weight, but it might be motivating...

Katz said...

i think my husband would LOVE it if i put all that money into an interest bearing account. lol. if there's soda in the house, i'll drink it because it's there. i will only drink water if it's ICE cold. there's literally usually more ice in my cup than water. i've tried crystal light. i may have to try that again.

steph k said...

What if it was fridge cold? Maybe keep water in the fridge?! That's what I do because I LOVE cold water so much!

Katz said...

tonight i bought some crystal light (kiwi strawberry, in case you were interested). i also have a refillable jug in the fridge.

i think i might also need to start tracking at spark people again. 2 years ago when todd and i were doing it, i was obsessed with drinking my 8 glasses of water a day for those 5 measly points.

ADDollhouse said...

Spark People is pretty good. I forge, do I have that up as a link? I know we have Fit day. Because we SHOULD. Okay we do. Yeah. GOOD.

Katz said...

Oh yeah... for the preggos... I used babyfit.com (the sister site for SP) during both pregnancies. it's a keeper. but i'm going back to SP because my calorie limits are different now.

Bobbie said...

Ok when I go out to eat I like to get water with a bowl of lemons or limes (they don't charge for them typically, yay) Then I squeeze them into my water and add splenda. For somereason it makes me feel cool to make my own lemon/limeade.

I'm trying to get DH off the soda too. It's an uphill battle! I just keep saying "think of all the money we'll save".